On 31st of January 2024, VALID and IMPACT will host a joint webinar:
Harnessing Ocean Power: Progressing with WEC Technology through Rig Testing
Waves are a promising source of reliable, renewable energy. Wave energy converters (WECs) can convert the energy associated with waves into mechanical or kinetic energy that we can use. However, this technology is not yet widely employed.
VALID and IMPACT answered the same Horizon 2020 call topic to develop new test rigs for accelerating this technology's development.
Harnessing Ocean Power: Progressing with WEC Technology through Rig Testing will present a case study from each project, to showcase the technology being developed by VALID and IMPACT.
When: 14:00 - 15:30 CET, 31st January 2024
Where: Zoom
This is not the first time IMPACT and VALID have worked together. In October 2022, they collaborated on a side event at global energy conference, ICOE-OEE.
We hope to see you there!
Accelerating Wave Energy Rollout in Europe
The joint webinar is being supported by the EU's Horizon Booster Results programme. As part of this work, the programme has also produced a joint flyer and a joint video on the two projects.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006927.