AVL has been a front-runner in hybrid testing during the last decade with the help of their Integrated and Open Development Platform (IODP).
As part of VALID's work package 2 (WP2), a training session was organised online by AVL for the instrument that will help develop the VALID hybrid testing platform.
The IODP offers the capacity to integrate the physical and the virtual world whilst being open to users’ diverse landscape of methods and tools.
Because each organisation relies on different tools and processes, the IODP acts as a communication layer to effectively exchange information—often in real-time. The IODP software simplifies the deployment of hybrid testing by acting as a unique interface to the different development process tasks and teams.
As a part of AVL’s IODP portfolio, the software tool Model.CONNECT provides an integration middleware to put all the models from different authoring tools together, ensure smooth synchronization and co-simulation, and prepare them to run in the testbed environment. During the session, a basic introduction of the tool was held by the Model.CONNECT support and application team.
The training was mainly targeted to leading partners in the three VALID user cases (WP3-WP5), and nine representatives from six consortium partners took part in this session. Dejan Ciglar from AVL presented the main features of Model.CONNECT using specific examples:
• Build Model.CONNECT model
• Insert components
• Component properties
• Visual properties
• Simulation properties
• Online monitoring
• Run the simulation
• Results tab
• Case generation
Partners have been granted a 30-day training license of Model.CONNECT to practice the concepts explained. Upon signature of a license agreement, free access to the platform and support will be provided by AVL during the project lifetime.
To learn more about the VALID project, visit https://www.validhtp.eu/about.